
Prophecy of the damned

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Literature Text

Waein Dakamoré áhdann, nharum á braeinz súoie agúr  á wranihith ú á dráccinon ghésh, á dhannmúr ú khínska, rhaoisus nharum án mérillon ú Sháiloen, sáoie veílla fún.

Agúr Waeib sáoie fúnunn, dhémus, rhénmus agúr mhóore chrúps á fús sáoiliú ú sáoia. Sáoia mérillon veíllú rhúa tháois shónnínnon, whaspon bleúir agúr goulúin agúr sáoia háll agúr wallúr sáesus, í shílsis.

Mheíns waein Draeímoundo shulúr agí, vhí héronns emeron, inó bór alfír agúr jún, á dórenn maestorith dhórmacúhn. Waein á céal ú dakamóhn khínska éru paúi rihsíhnn pasius. Á seórmh ú shaiwn veílla avákna agúr hiéss shaiwn shaa dakamóhn  á sáoiliú ú Sháiloen inús meír.

Á Dhraccíine bhringmúnr veíllú dóh aswálthr wirth á phírillion ú Rosháan. Thúmr á nacunnr ú greétc veílla fún thá eth mhótn agúr Sháilloen agúr sáoia mérillon shaiwn porcamerth oí praínush. Éthna berdón ipá á phírillion ú Rosháan stenfaérin bérnst…

Lands of Dragons By LittleDragon's production © 2002-2015

this is the prophesy of the fallen kingdom Shailoen (Sháiloen, Shaiolen)

you can find me reading it in the language of the Dark elves (Sháiloean elven)  at…

With subtitles of course!
skip to 2:05 hear the prophesy itselfRabbit hole :happybounce: Hug 

I'm so excited about this!

I am going to publish the lore of the LoD (Lands of Dragons) a soon to be 13 year old project and the larping event is going to open in May. 

More Coming soon...
© 2015 - 2024 henrik9470
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